22 JANUARY 2023



TEXT: Psalm 119:41-48
READING: Psalm 116:1-19

SUBJ: The sense of necessity with regards to the Word.

AIM: That we may walk in a way of dependence on the Word.

1. “Where are the nine…” Compare this with a claim to salvation that has no interest in the Word of God in a practical sense – and note practical in a Spiritual way.
2. Salvation is described to us in the Word. It is not just the “how to” but the keeping of it.
3. It is a blessed consciousness indeed that we must have Word as a guide to our lives.

THESIS: We are to seek the Lord for the witness and experience of salvation as it is in the Word.

I. For an outspoken salvation (vv. 41-42)

1. That “mercies” (not mercy) may come to me for remembrance and for practice.
    1) Consider the role of mercy in every aspect of salvation
    2) And that they must be brought continuously.
2. The salvation of the Word has substance and definition – we are to be continually confirmed.
3. Such is the antidote to reproach – Micah 7:8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.
4. “I trust….” Faith makes this salvation ours in all its fullness and almighty power” – Charles Bridges.

II. For the word in the mouth (vv. 43-44)

1. “Take not thy truth & c.”
    1) The Word is especially in the heart for experience (v. 11)
    2) The Word is in the mouth for witness. And consider further: Romans 10:8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee,     even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
2. “Hope in Thy judgments” – the thought again brings faith into view as that which pleads and God has promised to honor.
3. So (in this manner and with these resources) shall I keep Thy Law continually.

III. For commitment as a result of answered prayer (vv. 45-48)

1. “I will walk (at large) – “I seek thy precepts” v. 45 (compare trying to walk and not seek them.)
2. “I will speak” – Even before Kings. Such an identity with the Word enables boldness and confidence. Perhaps David spoke so to other kings, but especially consider Paul before Agrippa.
3. I will delight myself – “That which is the burden of the carnal heart is the delight of a renewed soul.” Charles Bridges. – The Word as a special message for me to be read and reread.
4. I will lift – the hands toward the Lord looking for assistance. See Psalms 28:2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
5. I will meditate – Thinking on what we love and possess.


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