9 APRIL 2023



TEXT: Acts 13:26-39
READING: Psalms 16

SUBJ: The resurrection as the capstone of the Gospel in that victory is claimed over the archenemy of the Lord’s people.

AIM: That our thoughts of the resurrection should be alive within us and should be central and conclusive as we witness to others of salvation. We would imitate Paul’s way of preaching.

INTR: The resurrection of Christ is the most rejected aspect of the Gospel and yet there is no Gospel without it. Witness the basis of departure of the men of Athens (Acts 17).

1. What should be a celebration of the life of God from the dead is in the minds of many merely a memorial to a special event with no further implications.
2. How sad are the attempts of many to be magnanimous toward God at this season or any other.
3. True worship begins in humility, proceeds to acknowledgment, and ends in celebration.

THESIS: Truly, the resurrection of our Lord is cause for celebration in that a great event has occurred, an infinite declaration was made, a great victory has been won whose terms of peace continues forever, and whose spoils are experienced in the lives of the Lord’s people.

I. The measure of the fathers fulfilled (vv. 26-29)

1. To whom this word of salvation is sent –
    1) To whosoever fears God – afraid of God.
    2) As opposed to reverence as in Hebrews 12:28.
2. The problem at Jerusalem
    1) They knew Him not.
    2) Nor the voices of the prophets which they read daily.
    3) The same words they fulfilled in condemning Him. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall     declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he     stricken. Isaiah 53:8
3. The free will of man in action –
    1) Pride rules against reason.
    2) The blame went to the Lord’s people – both here and at Pentecost (they desired of Pilate).
4. Laid Him in a sepulcher – they had fulfilled all that was written of them (the purpose of God and the will of man). If God be for us!

II. But God (vv. 30-33)

1. God often acts after men have done their worst and nothing is worse than this.
2. The most profound event in history
    1) God raised Him up against all reason.
    2) Shown to many witnesses over many days – how we thrill to the message of these eyewitnesses: of the disciples, of     above 500 at once and of Paul.
    3) Manifested in the hearts of believers in all generations.
3. And we declare unto you glad tidings!
    1) Promises made to the fathers was thus fulfilled to their children.
    2) I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Psalms 2:7. It     was not that He was begotten here rather that He was identified here as the Son of God indeed.

III. No more to return to corruption (vv. 34-39)

1. Rather it would be the “sure mercies of David” or all the blessings attending the promises made to David concerning an eternal Kingdom.
2. The implication of: For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Psalms 16:10
    1) That it was not David of whom he spoke.
    2) It was the one Whom God raised.
        i. Who did not see corruption.
        ii. Our sins were borne in His body on the tree but not out of the grave.
3. The conclusion:
    1) Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins in that He has taken them away and raised without     them.
    2) Justified freely as could never be the case in looking to the Law of Moses.


We hope you have enjoyed the message. Please tune in each week as Pastor Seacrist brings forth sound biblical teachings.

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