28 MAY 2023



TEXT: 1 Peter 5:5-14
READING: Proverbs 3:13-35

SUBJ: The benefit and blessing in being humbled under the mighty hand of God.

AIM That we might learn the nature of true humility and put it into practice in our lives.

INTR: Humility may well be the hardest of things to attain to in that pride aspires to promote every part of us in opposition to the things of God.

1. Chapter 5, in conclusion, brings attention to the Elders with respect to the epistle and then generalizes these thoughts in calling for humility in all.
2. Dealing with pride and humility is most difficult since the flesh does not like to be humbled and rather relishes pride in any form.
3. These issues are addressed in this passage and are shown to be far-reaching and extremely important to us as we face the rigors of this world.

THESIS: It is at the times of greatest humility that we enjoy the greatest sense of steadfastness in the faith.

I. Assessing and practicing true humility (vv. 5-7)

1. Consider then that the matter of humility is generalized from the elder to the younger to all.
2. The figure of being clothed is not new (Paul wrote put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ). Zechariah reports that the Lord ordered that Joshua be re-clothed with fitting garments.
3. God resists the proud.
    1) Consider this quote (from Gerhard quoted in Lange): “They assault, as it were, the honor of God in seizing that     which belongs to God. Other sins fly from God, pride only opposes itself to God; other sins crush men, pride only raises     them against God. Hence God also, in His turn, opposes Himself to the proud.”
    2) God opposes Himself to them as with an army. He is not just against them, He acts against the proud.
    3) But, He gives grace to the humble: James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud,     but giveth grace unto the humble. And Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we     may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
4. True humility is under the mighty hand of God in which is the power of God to kill and to make alive; to afflict and to heal and c.
    1) That He, by His mighty hand, may exalt in due time (not to be understood as a condition for salvation rather a     condition that God is pleased to bless.)
    2) Humility leads us to know that we cannot deal with our cares and allows us to cast them upon Him. (not with     indifference but with interest and confidence)
    3) “He careth for you…” as an able and loving Father. We must know that His mighty hand is engaged for us.

II. Confronting the roaring Lion -- a task for the humble, not the timid (vv. 8-9)

1. There is great value and protection in sobriety and vigilance – being aware and awake.
2. The roaring Lion
    1) Is an adversary to God’s people (who hates faith and humility)
    2) Roars against them as one that is hungry (Remember Goliath of old and the Jewish mobs that opposed Christ and     the Apostles).
    3) He would devour those who are not sober and vigilant (unopposed he would devour the believer as well as the     unsaved.)
3. Satan may be and should be resisted
    1) Steadfast in the faith (Compare Christ and Peter; Stephen; Paul (Acts 13:8-12 (Elymas the sorcerer) ; Thou therefore     endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. (2 Timothy 2:3)))
    2) It is important that we know that others are struggling as well (we should sense this opposition daily).

III. Sensing the extent of grace (vv. 10-11)

1. The grace of God who is the God of all grace and has called us into His eternal glory.
2. His prayer that they/we, after suffering (feeling the pressure and having passion for the cause of Christ in us)
    1) Make you perfect – thoroughly complete.
    2) Stablish – turn and set in the right direction.
    3) Strengthen – confirm in Spiritual knowledge.
    4) Settle – solidly ground.
3. Precious Doxology

IV. Seeing wherein we stand (vv. 12-14)

1. Peter’s entire message sets forth the essentials of the grace of God that saves and keeps.
2. “…Wherein ye stand.” And S. A. Romans 5:2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.


We hope you have enjoyed the message. Please tune in each week as Pastor Seacrist brings forth sound biblical teachings.

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