11 JUNE 2023



TEXT: Matthew 16:13-20
READING: Romans 1:1-21

SUBJ: The revelation to the disciples that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and the challenge that this profession places before us in the consideration of our Glorious Lord and Christ.

AIM: That we might pursue a deeper understanding through the revelation of the Spirit as to who Jesus is and who we are relative to that understanding.

INTR: I must be careful of reading other men’s sermons because of the tendency to be so affected as to assimilate their message and repeat it. The same is true of books. One I am now reading is simply called Deeper. It has encouraged me to explore common texts and so mine for gold.

1. One of the things we would note about our Lord’s sessions with the disciples is that He was teaching them or catechizing them, and this text is an example of just that.
2. He would lead them in a way so as to discover within themselves things they had come to know and to experience.
3. We will note that this is a private conversation with them in that they are instructed not to reveal what they had professed. (It may be that He knew that such a profound truth claimed in an unrevealed manner would confuse the whole gospel issue).

THESIS: Those truths that are essential to be believed come as a matter of divine revelation. We plant and water, but God gives the increase. “But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: (Galatians 1:15-16).”

We would consider more deeply these three thoughts:

I. Who do men say that I am? (vv. 13-14)

1. The thought here of men is not of believers; rather it is worldly individuals and their observations of Him.
2. He very pointedly refers to Himself as the Son of Man.
    1) He certainly knew that He was not distinguished from men in physical appearance.
    2) He knew that He as he Son of God but perhaps chose to be knew as one among others.
    3) But we know that at the appointed time He came – made of a woman.
    4) But we are reminded of His role as mediator, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the     man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. (1 Timothy 2:5-6).”
3. We note that He did not inquire as to the thoughts of the Pharisees – they hated Him.
4. The thoughts of men are many and varied as noted here – He is associated with some well known and impressive personages from the past. They implied an understanding of a resurrection and their thoughts indicated great respect for Him.
5. The conceptions of Christ formed in the minds of men will always be in error and He will never come to be known through their own depraved logic.

II. Who do you say that I am? (vv. 15-16)

1. We remember the question of pharaoh to Moses: “who is the Lord that I should obey Him?” And this is a question we need to be ready to answer.
2. These men had seen the mighty works of God being executed by this man. They had now walked with Him and had interacted with Him. The question here will reveal their hearts to themselves – They are constrained to answer.
    1) We recognize here that they did not know what the Scriptures would further reveal of Him.
    2) But He would have them to embrace the foundational truth on which all else is built.
3. These were being taught to teach others and being able to answer this question was essential.
4. How might we answer this question?
    1) He is God manifest in the flesh.
    2) He is the “Lord our righteousness.”
    3) He is the Lamb of God.
    4) He is “the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, and so we could go on.
5. Peter’s answer considered: The Christ (Messiah), the Son of the Living God and thus God the Son.
    1) May we endeavor to plumb the depths of all that is implied here,
    2) May we so be moved as to worship Him accordingly.

III. What was the source of Peter’s answer (v. 17-19)

1. Simon Barjonah was declared to be a happy (blessed) man.
    1) We are reminded here of the opinions of others and that he had it right.
    2) It surely did not come through flesh and blood and we compare: “But as many as received him, to them gave he     power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the     will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12-13).”
2. Jesus here acknowledges to Peter, and the others, the truth of his confession and the glory of God that was attached to it.
3. Peter as first a blessed believer and then as an apostle would know great things to come.
    1) He was Peter – a small stone.
    2) The rock upon which all was to be grounded was the profession that Peter had just declared,
    3) And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
4. Who do you say that He is?


We hope you have enjoyed the message. Please tune in each week as Pastor Seacrist brings forth sound biblical teachings.

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