TEXT: Mark 7:31-37
READING: Psalm 33:1-22

SUBJ: A unique manner of a great healing and the spiritual lessons that are seen therein.

AIM: That we might marvel at the greatness of His work and especially that done in the human heart and that we might say with the observers that He had done all things well.

INTR: Sometimes the scholars are baffled as to why the Lord moved in the manner that He did. In this case He had left the borders of Tyre and Sidon and made a northward swing and came around to the Eastern shore of Galilee to Decapolis.

1. The tendency is to try to look to a human form of reasoning in His actions and yet the purpose becomes clear as Mark records this unique healing.
2. We will observe that the Lord seemed careful not to allow Himself to be predictable as to the way He ministered. Unlike men who want a method with predictable outcomes.
3. As always, two groups are addressed. The multitudes who observed and the disciples who were there to learn of Him.

THESIS: While we may not prove a biblical truth from observing a miracle, often truths that are evident to us are strengthened and illustrated by the works of our Lord in the flesh.

I. Another mighty display of His power (vv. 31-35)

1. We note that the man was brought by others since he would have had no way of knowing what was available to him. They desired that Jesus would touch the man.
2. He took him aside:
    1) He made it personal
    2) What He did manifested identification – fingers in the ears and touching the tongue with spittle! (Reminded of     Elisha and the Shunamite’s son)
    3) A simple command was enough and ears opened and the tongue was loosed.
3. The man spoke correctly at that moment.

II. The spiritual implications

1. The necessity of spiritual hearing and speech is made plain in scripture.
    1) He that hath and ear let Him hear – the implication is clear
    2) There was immediate response when salvation occurred
    3) Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; Psalms 107:2
2. What could not be heard where there is a lack of hearing:
    1) The Law and the Gospel
    2) The warnings to flee from the wrath to come
    3) The diagnosis of a fatal condition known as sin
    4) The voice of the Shepherd calling His sheep.
    5) The Gospel message of grace and mercy.
3. What could not be said where there is no speech:
    1) The confession that Jesus Christ is Lord
    2) The plea for forgiveness and mercy
    3) The profession of faith in Christ
    4) The praise that is due to Him alone
    5) The expressions of delight and acknowledgment of great grace and mercy
    6) The witness of so great salvation to others.

III. The approach of Christ (v. 34)

1. The look into Heaven from where He would derive this power.
2. His sighing – Identification with the condition and perhaps:
    1) The thought of the masses who were in the same condition.
    2) The expression before the Father of the compassion He felt.
3. The command – “Be opened!”
    1) No force on earth, no devil nor Satan himself could withstand that command
    2) So are the ears of God’s people opened and their tongues loosed. Remember Lydia whose heart the Lord opened.

IV. All things well (v. 37)

1. He hath done all things well!
    1) It is He who has done it
    2) It is done.
    3) It is well.
2. Not as we might have done or thought and for that we are thankful.
3. Are we “beyond measure astonished.”


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