26 NOVEMBER 2023



TEXT: Jude 1:1-4
READING: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-20

SUBJ: The importance of being both accurate and consistent with the truth of the Gospel which is that which is most assuredly believed among us.

AIM: That we might be careful to not only declare that body of belief once delivered to the saints, but also, to defend it as well.

INTR: The fact that many of the N. T. Epistles bear warning as to the intrusion of error tells us that it came quickly as the Gospel begin to be preached around the world and that fact has not changed.

1. It has been well observed that Satan persecuted the churches from the beginning, but when persecution was not successful, he joined them. This came early on.
2. We have often heard and often commented that Satan is not opposed to religion. It is only Christ in it that offends him. He would present substitutes for true faith and true religion.
3. The inspired writers were already aware of the mission of the enemy to undermine the importance of strict attention to the true teaching (the faith once delivered to the saints) and were diligent in warning of its dangers. They were not concerned with political correctness.

THESIS: In the same sense that our Lord warned of the leaven of the Pharisees and the assertion of Paul that a little leaven leavens the whole lump we are to be intolerant of any deviation from the essential Gospel – the way and nature of salvation as by grace alone.

I. The identity of the Saints from the perspective of the Lord (vv. 1-2)

1. Jude, Judah or Judas is identified as the brother of James and there are many views as to which James this was. Jude was, an Apostle.
2. He is very explicit as to whom he writes, and we may find ourselves herein included
    1) Sanctified by God the Father – the usual thought is that sanctification is by the Spirit, but divine election is in view     here and so the thought of being set apart in eternity.
    2) Eternally secured through the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ
    3) And called – See 29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,     that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called:     and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. Romans 8:29-30
3. The greeting of Jude invoked a multiplication of mercy, peace, and love!

II. The diligence of Jude (v. 3)

1. On reading the epistle we are made aware of the urgency of the writer in this matter, and we do well to take heed.
2. He identified the fact that salvation is unique and not subject to modification.
    1) The thought here is that all saved people are of the same calling and nature.
    2) That it is of the same source which is “of the Lord” with no exceptions
    3) That it is of the same profession and expression (the idea of many is of many ways to the same heaven and yet the     Bible defines only one way.
3. It is to be noted that it is “the faith.” The distinction here is of the act of faith (without which it is impossible to please God) and that which is believed. (the phrase occurs 42 times in the N. T.)
    1) Churches were said to be established in “the faith” in the Acts; we are to examine ourselves as to whether we be in     “the faith;” Paul desired that we all come in the unity of the faith in Eph. 4.
    2) To the Colossians Paul wrote of being “Rooted and built up in Him, and stablished in the faith; Paul called Timothy     his son in “the faith” and he warned him of those departing from “the faith.”
    3) To Titus he referred to it as “the faith” of God’s elect.
    4) Peter exhorted that resistance to persecution should be “steadfast in the faith.”
4. The faith once (with no subsequent variations or changes)
    1) It is the faith that is preached (the body of truth which is delivered and believed)
    2) It is the faith that many departed from to their own demise. (made shipwreck of…)
    3) It is called the word of faith and the “faith of the Gospel.”
    4) It includes the Trinity and the deity of Christ (which Unitarians and Aryans deny)
    5) It defines and certifies the state of fallen man as rebellious and helpless by virtue of the fall and continuance in sin.
    6) It declares the necessity of the gracious work of the Father, Son and Spirit towards the sons of men.
    7) It reveals the everlasting love (electing grace), definite redemption, justification by the imputed righteousness of     Christ.
    8) Reconciliation by the blood of Christ
    9) Regeneration and sanctification by the Spirit
    10) Final perseverance, the bodily resurrection of the saints and future glory with Christ!
5. This is that which was delivered up and is essential to a proper rendering up before God.
6. “Earnestly contend” is actually one word expressed by two and involves a struggle of the highest order.

III. The reason of the diligence (v. 4)

1. They are surreptitious in their nature.
2. They are before of old ordained to condemnation.
3. They are ungodly.
4. They turn the grace of God into wickedness.
5. Denying our Lord Jesus Christ!


We hope you have enjoyed the message. Please tune in each week as Pastor Seacrist brings forth sound biblical teachings.

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