TEXT: 1 John 4:1-6 (Read from 3:23)
READING: John 14:1-18

SUBJ: Verification and confirmation of the Spirit that God has given us and the definition of antichrist spirits.

AIM: That we may with confidence look unto Jesus as the Christ

INTR: This text presents some challenges to a proper assessment of the genuineness of religion and particularly false prophets and their teachings.

1. A question commonly asked is “how do you know who or what to believe?” The answer is not always easy.
2. The warning here is addressed to believers so that they will not be swayed by false teaching.
3. Care must be taken that we do not classify all who disagree with us as ungodly. It is the denial of Jesus as the Christ that is primarily in view.
    a. Many have a consistent view of Christ but are influenced by that which denies Him.
    b. Others are malicious in their denial of Christ in the name of religion.

THESIS: To properly confess Jesus Christ is to acknowledge that He came in the flesh and that He came from God and that He is God. To deny the purpose of God or doubt the ability of God is to throw serious question upon this confession.

I. A tender but strong warning (v. 1)

1. There were prophets in that day (and perhaps in this) and their imitators quickly appeared. They neither had God or His message.
2. Two things then are tenderly urged:
    1) Don’t believe every Spirit – many are false
    2) Try them with the thought of making clear distinction – not just to prove them wrong. We are as responsible to     follow the good as to reject the bad.
3. A wide diversity of beliefs is apparent today with many showing the influence of false teaching (political correctness dares us to challenge these things)
4. While many in these things are deceived and lost, others are truly trusting Christ.
5. Some are false prophets led by an antichrist spirit – they are teachers. Beware!

II. A trustworthy test (v. 2)

1. John emphasizes “knowing” throughout the epistle. It is mentioned thirty-one times.
2. Here is how you “know the Spirit of God” is the thought here and compare– 1 Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
    1) The Name “Jesus Christ” embraces both the deity and humanity of Christ – One writer characterized it as His     eternal deity and the historic humanity.
    2) And, it is not just that He was born, but that He proceeded from God.
3. And that He was/is:
    1) The eternal word of Life who was with Him from the beginning
    2) That He took upon Him the form of mortal flesh and died therein to accomplish the will and purpose of the Father     in redemption of fallen and ruined men.
    3) To know that redemption was the eternal purpose and not an afterthought.
    4) That He alone could accomplish all this as God’s Elect to the task.
4. To confess Jesus Christ is to confess His person, His purpose and His work as the Lamb of God and the substitute for sinners.

III. In verse 3, we learn there is no “middle ground.”

1. If the truth of verse 2 is not confessed, then it is “Not of God!”
2. And we learn that that which opposes Christ is already at work.

IV. The Contrasted result (vv. 4-6)

1. “Ye are of God…” meaning “from out of God!”
    1) You have overcome the very things of which we are warned
    2) And it is because of “He that is in you…”
2. They are of the world
    1) Their message elevates man to varying degrees of equality with God – especially in the matters of God’s sovereignty.
    2) The world hears it and they will follow it.
3. In verse 6, we are told that God’s people hear God’s message and the distinction is confirmed in them.


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