21 JULY 2024




TEXT: Galatians 6:14
READING: Isaiah 55:1-13

SUBJ: The reason of glorying in the cross of Christ and the effects seen when we do.

AIM: That we might glory in the cross in a consistent manner.

INTR: The possibility of improper glorying is certainly in view. That possibility does not negate the mandate to glory in the right way – in the Cross of Christ

1. The problem with the Galatians was self righteousness and legalism.
2. The characteristic of both conditions that personal glory is claimed and that was often due to convincing others to become involved their ordinances.
3. A proper view of the cross takes away any basis for human glory – pride is effectually slain.

THESIS: We rejoice and glory in what Christ has accomplished and the benefits that fall to us as a result. We certainly do not glory in our acceptance or approval. We point ourselves and others to Christ alone.

I. The glorying that provoked the response

1. – privileges as a Jew, civil righteousness, legal righteousness…
2. That contrasted with true spirituality, the faith, hope that maketh not ashamed, love, patience, as the order of the day with the saints.
3. Paul may have referred to his own suffering but seemed rather to look only to Christ and what the cross produced: For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:2) -- For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. (Philippians 3:3)
    1) Peace, Pardon, righteousness
    2) Life, salvation, and eternal glory.
4. From Martyn Lloyd-Jones: “The Cross not only shows the love of God more gloriously than anything else--it also shows His righteousness, His justice, His holiness, and all the glory of His eternal attributes. They are all to be seen shining together there.”

II. The Glory of the Cross

1. Where true glory is to be seen. We compare the glory referenced here with that of 2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. This reference is to doxa glory – the glory of all His counsels and that worked in their hearts.
2. We should often ask, “What really happened at the cross?” This is the subject of a great cover-up by the world and religionists in general. See 5:11.
3. The cross is more than a mere symbol: it is
    1) The substance of His suffering inflicted by man and God
    2) The vicarious suffering for those He came to deliver.
4. But, why glory here? Why not with regard to something else and consider that man glories in man.
    1) Consider the enormity of the enemy and the awful demands of justice
    2) Consider the absolute demand of God with regard to sin
    3) Consider the magnitude of the task – What it took to take away sin and to appease an angry God.
    4) The greatness of the victory – no enemy left standing
    5) This is indeed a reason that we boast in Christ our Lord
    6) Consider what was required that I might be able to say, “I am saved.”

III. The world crucified unto me

1. My involvement with the world necessitated the cross
2. What do we see? Do we see the enmity against God nailed there? Do we see the enmity against us hanging there? Do we see ourselves there?
3. Consider: Colossians 2:14-15 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
4. Trials, temptations, etc. no longer are able to ultimately overcome. He has power over them all.
5. Consider a scene where the bodies of executed criminals are in view. As the repulsive as it may be we no longer fear that they might harm us.
6. The world is crucified (crossed out) as far as we are concerned.

IV. I am crucified to the World

1. Consider the practice of Jews and Muslims and others who will declare one of their own dead if they defect (they may even kill them).
2. While we may not witness to same intensity in the world hatred we will still be viewed as an outsider and not one of them.
3. Neither the world nor Pharisaic religion can tolerate nonconformity. Where there is a glorying in the cross – its necessity and accomplishment are proclaimed we will be found unacceptable.
4. The cross is a stumbling block to the world because therein is human pride and boasting crucified.


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